老虎电影 娱乐八卦 48岁刘谦罹患肺腺癌,确认春晚后动手术,小叔也因癌症离世


On August 28th, Taiwanese media revealed that renowned magician Liu Qian has been diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma, and he confirmed that he underwent surgery in February.


Liu Qian shared with Taiwanese reporters that he undergoes annual health screenings. About three to four years ago, a nodule was discovered in his lung during one of these examinations. Despite regular check-ups since then, there were no major concerns until just before the Lunar New Year Gala, when he was diagnosed with stage zero lung adenocarcinoma. Doctors advised him that the condition would likely worsen over time, prompting Liu Qian to make the decisive choice to have surgery immediately after his performance at the gala.

Liu Qian felt fortunate that the shadow on his lung was located in an area that made early detection possible, which was at the center and towards the back of his lung. His calm demeanor is perhaps due to his family history with cancer—his uncle recently passed away from lung cancer—and his own smoking habit. He decided that early intervention was the best course of action. For now, he only needs to monitor his condition regularly.

Liu Qian's wife, Wang Xiying, expressed her concern but was also surprised by how Liu Qian approached his diagnosis. She jokingly referred to him as "mentally unsound" because he even texted his friends about his condition, describing it as part of the human experience. His mother, on the other hand, was very worried.


Following his surgery, Liu Qian recuperated at home. On August 23rd, he participated in the recording of My Growth, appearing in good spirits. Although he had spent much of his career working in mainland China, this marked his first appearance on a Taiwanese variety show in 15 years, which made him feel slightly nervous. Liu Qian was open with the Taiwanese press, voluntarily sharing details about his health.

This year, Liu Qian performed for the sixth time at the Lunar New Year Gala, delivering an almost flawless magic act. During the performance, host Xiao Ni had a brief slip-up, which unexpectedly became a viral sensation online. In subsequent interviews, Liu Qian remarked that a failed trick does not diminish the magic; everyone makes mistakes. He recalled performing 60 shows in Beidaihe last year, where he experienced many mishaps. According to Liu Qian, such failures are merely embarrassing and not catastrophic, drawing a comparison to singers who sometimes miss notes. Humans, after all, are not infallible.

Beyond his smoking habit, Liu Qian admitted to struggling with depression and despondency during the pandemic, due in part to the financial strain on his company. Initially reluctant to enter the live streaming industry, he eventually embraced it after a year of adjustment.

Reflecting on his career as a magician, Liu Qian remains composed, seeing his diagnosis as a reason to abstain from alcohol and decline activities he is not comfortable with. Despite his health challenges, he continues to work diligently, including a recent tour in Chengdu, without disclosing his illness to the public.

In closing, we wish him a speedy recovery.



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