老虎电影 娱乐八卦 Mandy 直言张颖颖知第三者还上!暗指汪小菲婚内劈腿

Mandy 直言张颖颖知第三者还上!暗指汪小菲婚内劈腿

On August 21st, an internet user posted old photographs of Wang Xiaofei at a KTV, querying Ma Xiaomei if she was the girl in the picture. Wang Xiaofei's wife, Mandy, swiftly responded with a sharp retort, challenging the netizen to present the original images in court and seemingly lashed out at Zhang Yingying, asserting that such tactics could not erase a lifetime of being a third party. This statement indirectly suggested Wang Xiaofei's infidelity during their marriage. Soon after, it was noticed that Mandy had deleted her comment.

Mandy 直言张颖颖知第三者还上!暗指汪小菲婚内劈腿插图

Another netizen relayed news of Mandy's deleted post in Zhang Yingying's comment section. In response, Zhang Yingying quipped, "Huh?? Acting just like a coward who loves deleting posts; I haven't even deleted mine yet!"

Mandy 直言张颖颖知第三者还上!暗指汪小菲婚内劈腿插图1

In addition, Zhang Yingying fired back at Mandy with a sarcastic post: "What a dutiful daughter-in-law! From today onwards, there's someone else to take the heat. #RoyalDaughterInLaw"

Previously, Zhang Lan shared a clip from Ge Sqi's livestream, claiming that the evidence of Wang Xiaofei's infidelity presented by DaS at the time of their divorce was provided by Zhang Yingying, suggesting that Zhang Yingying and DaS had been in contact. This repost infuriated Zhang Yingying, who promptly engaged in a verbal spat with Zhang Lan. On August 21st, Wang Xiaofei's wife, Mandy Ma Xiaomei, entered the fray.

Someone commented on her post, mentioning that according to Zhang Yingying, Mandy and Wang Xiaofei had known each other for a long time, even producing photos as proof. Mandy clarified that she only met Wang Xiaofei in October 2023 and had no prior acquaintance with him. She also seemed to address Zhang Yingying directly, saying, "Don't spread rumors about a stranger you don't know just because of your own pain and dissatisfaction."



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